Agent Masterminds: Easy, Affordable, & Valuable
August 13, 2022An agent mastermind session is a simple way to offer something fresh to your traditional education lineup.Read More
Stop chasing the next shiny object!
July 9, 2022“How can I help my agents adjust quickly to changing market conditions? What new trends, software, or skills can helpRead More
The Value of Pop By Marketing
June 15, 2022If you are looking for an easy and affordable way to connect with your real estate clients and bring inRead More
Sales Contests: Assessing the Results
May 31, 2022Whew, it’s over! The agents had a great time during the contest, everyone was getting into the spirit of theRead More
Sales Contests: Engaging Your Agents
May 23, 2022What does it take to get your agents excited about a sales contest? Agents, by nature, are competitive to someRead More
Sales Contests: Where do I begin?
May 9, 2022“I love the idea of holding a sales contest with the agents, but how do I begin?” I get thisRead More
Avoiding Agent Burnout
March 26, 2022What can you put into place now to help your top producing agents avoid burnout? Consider the tasks agents performRead More
Why It’s More Important Than Ever to Conduct Powerful Sales Meetings
March 14, 2022During the pandemic, many real estate sales associates discovered they could work more efficiently from home. Gone was the needRead More
Succession Planning: To Grow Your Business, You Need to Build Your Bench
February 18, 2022When consulting with brokerage owners, I ask this question first: What’s your end game strategy? I typically receive blank staresRead More