Business Planning

Set your agents up for success by helping them plan for the future.

Learning Sprints

Our Learning Sprint videos (15 minutes or less) are hyper-focused on the skills agents need to succeed in real estate. Present a new lesson each week, or pick and choose the most relevant topic for your team.

The Art of Goal Setting

Setting and writing down goals is crucial to success. This simple act keeps you motivated, accountable, and focused. During this Learning Sprint, we help agents learn how to effectively set SMART business goals—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.

SMART Goal Setting Worksheet

Create Your Business Plan

This three-part Learning Sprint series walks agents through creating a comprehensive business plan using the Business Plan Workbook. The instructional video tells you when to pause, giving agents time to work on different tasks. Agents come away with a better understanding of a business plan’s value and a draft plan for next year. In addition, they create a task list for finishing their final version on their own or with the help of a mentor.

  • Part 1: Agents reflect on their current year accomplishments, begin to craft a mission statement, and understand how a SWOT analysis can help them identify growth opportunities.
  • Part 2: Agents identify their production goals based on desired income, learn how to set comprehensive, measurable goals, and create a simple business budget.
  • Part 3: Agents create an Action Plan, including identifying a target audience, creating a marketing strategy, developing a referral strategy, and evaluating the plan based on income goals.

Supporting Documents

Monthly Goal Setting

Take control of your future by setting goals.  This simple act keeps you motivated, accountable, and focused.  When we write down goals monthly, setting and, more importantly, achieving goals becomes a habit.

Goal Setting Worksheet

Guest Speakers

Guest speakers share their industry expertise, present new perspectives, and provide useful connections. In addition, a new voice offering instruction adds value to your meetings.

Broker, Manager, or Agent With a Written Business Plan

  • Strategies and insights on effective business planning.

Sales Trainer/Coach

  • How to achieve growth and sales tactics.
  • Goal setting, time management, and maintaining a positive mindset in the competitive real estate industry.

Financial Expert

  • Financial planning, managing investments, and tax strategies for real estate professionals.

Marketing Expert

  • How to create effective marketing plans, use social media, and develop an agent brand.

Real Estate Attorney

  • Legal issues, contracts, and regulations crucial for business planning.

Economist or Market Analyst

  • Current real estate market trends and projections.

Data Analyst

  • Insights into data-driven decision-making and market analysis techniques.

Local Small Business Owner (new or established)

  • Elements of their business plan and how they approach business planning.

Local Athlete

  • Ask a local athlete who has overcome obstacles to share their story. How did they overcome setbacks and maintain a positive mindset? Their success story can be inspirational to the agents.

Spark Your Business

End your meeting on a positive note! The Spark Your Business marketing suggestions ensure the last thing agents remember from your meeting is that you gave them a simple tool to improve their business immediately.

veterans day celebration with flag and stars

Veterans Day Donation Drive, November 11, 2024 (Community Engagement)

Show your appreciation for local veterans by organizing a donation drive. Start by contacting your local Veterans Office to determine which items are most needed this time of year. Then, set up a donation collection point at your office.

Spread the word by promoting the drive to your past clients and sphere of influence through email and social media. Let them know how they can contribute, whether by donating, sharing the message on their own social channels, helping with collections, or delivering items to the designated agency.

Be sure to post regular updates on social media with photos of the drive in action, and don’t forget to send thank-you notes to everyone who contributed or helped make the event a success!

Late Fall Newsletter

Real Estate Newsletter (Mail or Email)

Send your real estate newsletter at the start of November to get ahead of the holiday mail rush. Include valuable content such as tips on winter home maintenance, insights on winter market trends, and ways to improve energy efficiency for the colder months.

Be sure to include a solid call to action (CTA), such as: “Know someone looking to buy or sell in <area>? I’d love to offer them exceptional service.” Don’t forget to prominently display your contact information, including your cell phone and email, so potential clients can easily reach you.

Espresso Day

National Espresso Day, November 23, 2024 (Pop By)

Delight your espresso-loving clients with small, curated gift bags to celebrate National Espresso Day. Consider including items like an espresso shot glass, handheld milk frother, coffee stencils, a tamping mat, or even a coffee-scented candle. Add a clever tag (like this one from RookieREAgent), tuck in a few of your business cards, and personally drop off the gifts.

Pie Client Appreciation

Holiday Pie Giveaway (Client Appreciation Event)

A holiday pie giveaway is a thoughtful way to stay connected with past clients and show appreciation. Whether you make or purchase the pies, plan a specific day and time for clients to stop by your office to pick them up. For a personal touch, add a clever tag to each pie, like the one shown by RookieREAgent.

Start promoting the event in early November, and send reminders as the date approaches—people tend to get busy during the holiday season. This simple yet meaningful gesture keeps you top-of-mind with clients and helps nurture lasting relationships beyond the initial deal.

Thanksgiving Card

Thanksgiving Greeting Card (Mail)

Send past clients a thoughtful card at Thanksgiving, a holiday with fewer exchanged cards, making yours stand out. Use the opportunity to express your gratitude, thanking clients for their past business and referrals.

Include a couple of your business cards in the envelope to keep your contact information handy. Start preparing your cards in late October, so they’re ready to mail out two weeks before Thanksgiving, ensuring they arrive in time for the holiday. This personal touch can leave a lasting impression and strengthen client relationships.

A Look Ahead

November: Financial Strategies

In November, we help agents develop financial strategies that support success. Learning Sprints will focus on retirement planning, managing fluctuating commission income, and smart tax strategies to stay financially secure.

Sales Meeting Toolkits