Sample Monthly Sales Meeting Resources
Help your agents effectively use technology to improve business practices....
Spark & Logic
Helping Your Agents Succeed
Help your agents effectively use technology to improve business practices....
Explore a well-thought-out marketing strategy for converting For Sale By Owners into listings. FSBO Conversion Worksheet FSBO Conversion Strategy Overview
Too often, agents ask clients closed-ended questions that only require a yes or no response. In doing so, they miss learning more about the client’s wants and needs. This simple game helps agents see how much more information they receive when asking a few open-ended questions. Facilitator Instructions
Take control of your future by setting goals. This simple act keeps you motivated, accountable, and focused. When we write down goals monthly, setting and, more importantly, achieving goals becomes a habit. Handouts: Monthly Goals Worksheet
Recent industry lawsuits are likely to significantly change agent compensation, especially for the buyer’s agent. An effective buyer presentation that communicates value, showcases skills, builds trust, and discusses compensation is more important than ever. During this learning sprint, agents learn essential buyer presentation elements and receive practical advice for getting started. Buyer Presentation Handout
When your time is in high demand, this no-prep video walks you through a productive sales meeting. Simply play the video at your meeting and pause when you want to add your insights and knowledge. Meeting Highlights Good News Sharing Company Updates Wants & Needs National Data Trends Learning Sprint: Attracting New Customers Spark Your...
Agents collaborate with their peers to identify business technology challenges and share solutions and best practices. Note Taking Handout