Agent Mentoring: 3 Things to Bring to Every Meeting
As mid-year approaches, now is an excellent time to meet with agents and review their business plans. They still have plenty of time to hit their goals, even if corrections are needed. If you are new to agent mentoring, developing a best-practice plan for one-on-one agent meetings is helpful. You can do a few things upfront to set the right expectations.
To prepare, ask the agent for a copy of their business plan, including their goals. If they don’t have one, consider asking them to fill out this simple questionnaire (even if they have a business plan, it can still be helpful).
Collect production data for key metrics (listings taken, closed units, closed GCI) from your company reports for year-to-date and year-over-year.
Finally, prepare some open-ended questions to guide the conversation. Remember, mentoring is not meant to replace training. Instead, it drives the agent to identify challenges, opportunities, and solutions.
Sales meetings open the door to personalized mentoring and can guide what open-ended questions you ask. Pay attention to how agents respond to tips and tools presented and discuss this one-on-one. Connecting the dots between what agents are learning and how it impacts their business validates that they are in control of their business. Furthermore, you keep agents accountable and help them apply new ideas.
Spark & Logic’s sales meeting resources take the guessing game out of agent mentoring. Each month we provide learning sprints (short 15-minute videos or activities) focusing on topics essential to building a solid business foundation. Next, we suggest mentoring questions that allow you to take your sales meetings further by offering the personalized support your agents want and need.
A good mentor helps agents build better businesses. By sharing your knowledge, experience, and insights, you give agents the tools they need to achieve their goals. Your mentoring program does not have to be complicated. The most important thing is consistently showing that you are invested in your agents’ growth and success.