What does it mean to outperform the competition? More listings, more transactions, higher sales volume? Although those numbers are significant, there’s more to improving business longevity than simply listing more houses for sale. Agents need to be creative, develop and implement marketing plans that work, and leverage their selling tactics to stand out in a crowd.

How can you help your agents differentiate themselves in your market? One way is to mentor agents using goals they have designated. Help your agents uncover what needs to be done by using open-ended questions. This is where you ask the “What,” “Describe,” “How,” and “Why” questions to get agents to self-reflect. A favorite open-ended question of mine starts with “Tell me about….”  You’re inviting the agent to share more about themselves and their experiences. This personalized approach opens the conversation and gets the ball rolling. Also, the agents will appreciate your taking the time to help them build their businesses. And this will translate into higher retention rates.

Another way to support agent success is to offer skill-building in bite-sized packages consistently. Using short videos for learning is attractive to many learners. Combining audio, text, and visuals allows individuals to understand and absorb a topic more quickly. This type of learning works well at sales meetings: agents hear a voice other than yours providing the information and focus on one practical idea to implement in their business.

At Spark & Logic, we can’t mentor your agents, but we can lighten your load by providing relevant learning sprints, great sales meeting content, and helpful tools as you help your agents grow their businesses.
