The sales meeting scramble is a dance most real estate company owners have done once or twice. You take off your closing coordinator or HR hat, throw on your company trainer hat and rush around at the last minute searching for valuable meeting content. Too often, the “fires” take priority, and our company learning culture takes the backseat.
Imagine if someone else did the heavy lifting of sales meeting planning for you. For less than $25 per week, Spark & Logic provides everything you need to deliver outstanding weekly sales meetings (in person or virtual).
- Meeting agenda. Unique and relevant agendas are supplied each week – one for management with talking points and one for agents.
- PowerPoint presentation. A weekly PowerPoint presentation makes your meetings polished and professional.
- 15-minute learning sprint. Each meeting includes educational value. Short instructional videos, worksheets, and brainstorming sessions are embedded into the weekly PowerPoint presentation and are ready to use with a single click.
- End on a high note. Meetings conclude with a business-generating suggestion that gets agents thinking creatively about growing their business.
- Email templates. Readymade templates make email communication easy.
In addition to the sales meeting toolkit, Spark & Logic subscribers also receive everything needed to host a monthly Lunch & Learn Workshop and a quarterly Contest. Wouldn’t it be nice to start the New Year with these tasks taken off your plate? Subscribe to Spark & Logic today and ignite your company’s learning culture.